Monday, January 24, 2011

Come on

The other day Princess 3 declared

"Mu-u-um, Sacha is giving me the Hewitts!"

I corrected her saying, " I think you mean 'the irrits', darling?"

But I could've been wrong ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Who's with me?

image courtesy of

Wanna join me in attempting the Launceston Women's 5km walk/run on March 6 at 1 pm? While this is chiefly a fund and awareness raising event for Breast Cancer, training for this run may also assist in improvement of general self-esteem and one's sense of achievement, along with the reduction of waistline and firming of thighs, one hopes. Not to mention that it provides a completely legitimate excuse to regularly leave the house on your own, sans enfants.

Come on, ladies, who's with me? If Rebecca can do it so can we.

Monday, January 17, 2011


So, in 2011 - the year of me, my first order of business has been to book in regular massages here with Annie and her magic hands.

And, of course, it wouldn't be a new year without, once again, joining a gym.

I'll still be volunteering with Stompin.

And being the Luthier's admin bitch and admin owl for Brown Owls,

These are things that I love.

There'll be P & F duties (don't ask how I accidentally got voted onto the committee at the one meeting I've ever attended), parent help, school assemblies and sports days.

But any time left over is just for me.


In 2011, I will have been a parent for ten years and a stay at home mother (almost exclusively) for 5 years. In 2011, my youngest will be in pre-school for 3 days per week and my two lads in full time school.

2011 is my year.

For three whole school days each week I intend to do, pretty much, whatever I wish. I am not getting a job. I am not taking on extra things that are mostly done for others and don't really work for me. This year I have three whole school days to invest in just one person. Moi!

This is a luxury I don't intend to squander. I have plans, dreams, fantasies and ideals about how that time will be used. But when that inevitable question is posed, at least for the next 12 months, "So with the kids at school, you'll be getting a job now, right?"
I will gleefully answer "Wrong!"

Everyone keeps saying " You won't know yourself!" But I am hoping it will have the opposite result. This precious time is to regard and further reacquaint me with myself.

Four more weeks of school holiday and then halleluia! let the 'me time' festivus commence.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brown Owls Launceston - Queensland Flood Relief

Hi All Owls and Happy New Year!

Hope your silly season was great fun in the sun, while the sun lasted.

Looking forward to Brown Owls meeting 1, 2011 which will be held on Tuesday February 1st at 7pm at the Design Centre in Tamar Street.

The theme for the night will be making things to sell to raise money for the Premier's Flood Relief ( As we are all aware, it is not such a cracking start to 2011 for our friends in Queensland.

Brown Owls Launceston has been offered a stall at a market at Festivale on Saturday February 12, so we considered this a great opportunity to make and show off some cool handmade stuff and raise some funds for those Queenslanders in dire need. It would be wonderful if you could all be involved.

If you can't make the meeting but would like to donate to the stall please let me know. Also please forward this to anyone you know who may be keen to join Brown Owls or to make something to donate. All new crafty or not-so crafty types always welcome.

Please RSVP with a comment on the blog if you would like to come along to the meeting (

See you on the 1st!