Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Gertie!

Yes, one year ago today I was carting around one impressive preggers belly and being all nervy about the caesarian that was to come the next day. 
One year ago tomorrow I had my last child. 

Buongiorno Principessa!

Facts about la principessa:

Also known as - Gertie. Soapie. Sophie Doo. Gertimus Prime.

She is a little beauty. 
Great eater. 
Sleeps like a log ( as long as she is in our bed.)
Survived her operation at 3 weeks old and never looked back. 
She is big. (I think she will be taller than me when she's 10. Not all that hard - granted.)
Her wardrobe is impressive and extensive.( But that is more about me than her) 
She has side curls that make her look like a character from a Dr Suess film. 
She dances and sings.
She is a bling fanatic.

I like her .... a lot.
La mia bella principessa.
And when she thinks people or things are cool she says 'oooooooooooooooooo' like this