Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Spring draws me out of doors and into the garden. The promise of blooms and growth lure me outside to stand, arms crossed, in deep meditation, staring, staring at the flora.

My gaze, having rested intent on a yellow-centered daisy, self-sown, now shifts to scan the fairy magnolia's lilac blossoms, searching, as if all the answers to life's questions are certain to flit past.

We stand, me and my folded arms. We are alert and poised - ready to pounce when enlightenment inevitably alights on the pretty petals.


Nettie's Blog said...

i think my bones are finally thawing after the big freeze ...(or was it the Ice Age) seems the order i get the longer i hibernate...XXXX

Fer said...

Gardening: nature's therapy. :-)